
At-home breast health monitoring
to facilitate early detection of breast cancer.

Coming soon!


Supported by

Breast cancer is the second most prevalent cancer in the world with 2.3 million cases registered in 2021.

In the UK alone, it claims lives of 31 women everyday. 1 in 7 women are predicted to have an incidence of breast cancer within their lifetime.

With early detection, survival rates increase up to 93%

Limited resources to
breast self-checks.

Breast cancer may or maynot exhibit any physical changes on the surface of the skin, hence it’s suggested that we perform self-checks on a regular basis. 

However, the forms of guidance that exist are limited to demonstrations and pamphlets which fail to assist women to differentiate between normal and abnormal breast tissue.

Core Offering

Dotplot offers a handheld device that identifies changes in breast tissue density over time. Paired with an app, it guides users through monthly self-checks and alerts them to abnormal changes.

By addressing the confusion and guesswork associated with self-checks, providing customized guidance, and offering objective monitoring, Dotplot aims to revolutionize the way women approach and understand their breast health.